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Mário César Martins de Camargo calls on members to Unite for Good

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The RI president-elect speaks about the power of Rotary’s members


Rotary International President-elect Mário César Martins de Camargo asked members to Unite for Good by embracing growth, service, and connection as he outlined a plan to expand “the best-qualified team of volunteers on the planet.”

“Rotary’s greatest asset is not our history, our projects, or even our unmatched global reach. It is our members,” de Camargo said at the organization’s International Assembly in Orlando, Florida, USA, on 10 February. He noted praise from one of Rotary’s partners about “the extraordinary dedication” of Rotary members. “That recognition from an outsider deepened my understanding: Rotary’s greatest gift to the world is its people.”

De Camargo, a member of the Rotary Club of Santo André, São Paulo, Brazil, emphasized the importance of seeking out new perspectives and strengthening Rotary’s service to communities around the globe. He outlined three “essential pillars” for growth: innovation, continuity, and partnership.

Innovating while also building a consistent legacy

Noting how quickly the world changes, de Camargo urged members to innovate.

“Technology, social expectations, and economic conditions evolve constantly, and Rotary must evolve with them,” he said. “Innovation is how we adapt to this changing world.”

One important way to do this, de Camargo said, is by embracing and promoting a variety of club models. Satellite clubs, cause-based clubs, enterprise clubs, and passport clubs offer people different ways to experience Rotary. Noting that his wife helped charter a satellite club with nearly 50 members, he said, “Future Rotary members are out there. We must meet them where they are.”

De Camargo also emphasized the importance of leadership continuity and said he observed its benefits during his extensive travels in the past 18 months. Districts thrive, he said, when governors build on their predecessors’ efforts, ensuring that programs and strategies continue without interruption.

He cited an effort to build wells in Nigeria, an initiative in Pakistan that helped people affected by devastating floods to find a better future, and a Rotary grant-funded program in India where children get lifesaving care.

“Continuity is not about uniformity; it’s about alignment,” de Camargo said. “When district leaders work together, envisioning Rotary beyond their ‘governor year,’ they set the stage for long-term success.”

The power of partnership

Rotary members working alone can achieve great things, de Camargo said, but collaborating with others makes it possible to change the world. He noted that Rotary’s historic effort against polio has been undertaken with partners such as the Gates Foundation, the World Health Organization, and UNICEF. Without these partners, de Camargo said, Rotary couldn’t have had the same impact. He suggested exploring other kinds of partnerships to attract members and revitalize clubs.

Partnering with business associations, professional organizations, and academic institutions can help Rotary attract members while embracing diversity in professions and perspectives, he said. “By reaching out to professionals who share our values of service and engagement, we can expand Rotary’s capacity to do good in the world.”

Ultimately, de Camargo said, all of Rotary’s achievements and growth depend on members. By focusing on attracting and retaining them, Rotary can renew its strength as well as its ability to create change in communities for years to come.

“In a world often divided, Rotary stands as a beacon of unity and hope,” de Camargo said. “Our projects bring together people of all races, religions, genders, ideologies, and economic backgrounds, uniting us in a shared purpose: to do good in the world. ... Let’s build a Rotary that unites for good and ensures a brighter future for all.”

Speeches and resources

2025-26 message logo and materials (downloads)

RI President-elect Mário César Martins de Camargo’s speech (PDF, online video, video download)

RI President Stephanie A. Urchick’s speech (PDF, online video, video download)

General Secretary and CEO John Hewko’s speech (PDF, online video, video download)

Rotary Foundation Trustee Chair-elect Holger Knaack’s speech (PDF, online video, video download)

Play or download other International Assembly speeches.

Visit the International Assembly page of the Brand Center to download images and select videos. If you can’t find what you need, write to us.

  1. RI President-elect Mário César Martins de Camargo and wife, Denise, acknowledge the audience during the opening general session of the International Assembly in Orlando, Florida, USA, on 10 February 2025.

  2. Rotary members carry their country flag during the opening general session of the International Assembly in Orlando, Florida, USA, on 10 February 2025.

  3. RI President-elect Mário César Martins de Camargo gives the Presidential Message address during the opening general session of the International Assembly in Orlando, Florida, USA, on 10 February 2025.

  4. Korean Rotary members wave their country’s flag at the opening general session of the International Assembly in Orlando, Florida, USA, on 10 February 2025.

  5. Rotary International General Secretary and CEO John Hewko speaks about forming new clubs and innovation during the second general session of the International Assembly in Orlando, Florida, USA, on 10 February 2025.

  6. Traci Ganti, director of corporate relations for World Central Kitchen, talks about public image and storytelling during the second general session of the International Assembly in Orlando, Florida, USA, on 10 February 2025.

  7. Rotary district governors-elect attend the third general session at the International Assembly in Orlando, Florida, USA, on 11 February, 2025.

  8. Rotary members attend the fourth general session of the International Assembly in Orlando, Florida, USA, on 11 February.

  9. Jeanine Buzali, director of Global Partnership Development at Changemaker Companies, Ashoka, talks about cultural competency in the global world during the fourth general session of the International Assembly in Orlando, Florida, USA, on 11 February.

  10. Abigail Pratt, senior program officer at The Gates Foundation, speaks about partnerships and the Rotary Healthy Communities Challenge, during the fifth general session at the International Assembly in Orlando, Florida, USA, on 12 February 2025.

  11. Rotary participants from India take a picture before the fifth general session at the International Assembly in Orlando, Florida, USA, on 12 February 2025.

  12. Rotary International senior leaders encourage the attendees during the End Polio New pledge and celebration moment during the sixth general session of the International Assembly in Orlando, Florida, USA, on 12 February 2025.

  13. Rotary Foundation Chair-elect Holger Knaack speaks about the continuing fight to end polio worldwide during the sixth general session of the International Assembly in Orlando, Florida, USA, on 12 February 2025.

  14. Rotary members Linda Low, left, and Andrew Best discuss conflict management during the seventh general session of the International Assembly in Orlando, Florida, USA, on 13 February 2025.

  15. Rotary members participate in the cultural exchange at the International Assembly in Orlando, Florida, USA, on 12 February 2025.

  16. Rotary members participate in the cultural exchange at the International Assembly in Orlando, Florida, USA, on 12 February 2025.

— February 2025