At convention, find breakouts tailored to you
At the Rotary International Convention main stage, you feel Rotary’s sweeping influence while cheering with thousands of fellow members. And when you shift to smaller breakout sessions, that’s where you get to do the in-depth work of digging into focused topics that interest you. Choosing among dozens of sessions in Singapore, you’ll take away bold ideas about how to improve your club experience, your community, and the world.

Attendees at the Imagine Our Rotaract Journey breakout session at the 2023 convention.
Image credit: Brittany Anne Scott
You can learn ways to combine the strengths of Rotarians and Rotaractors, solve any challenges with recruiting and keeping members, and boost mental well-being — for yourself and the people around you.
Maybe you want to run a carbon-neutral club or event, collaborate with partners like Habitat for Humanity, pull in experts for project advice, or regrow Interact membership. There are breakouts that address each of those.
Get tips to make new projects and longtime initiatives even more successful and grow a lifelong love of Rotary among your club’s members. These are just some of the themes up for discussion: measuring results to show impact, building bridges among members of all ages, making the club you always wanted, and using artificial intelligence in Rotary.
Registration isn’t required for the sessions 27-29 May, but you can browse the full preliminary list on the convention website to plan how you’ll be Sharing Hope With the World. There’s even a session that fits perfectly with that theme: Spreading Global Kindness — Starting in Singapore.
This story originally appeared in the April 2024 issue of Rotary magazine.