Our year
Partners for Water Access and Better Harvests in India was awarded the US$2 million Programs of Scale grant to improve the livelihoods of more than 60,000 farmers across four Indian states through sustainable agriculture and water management practices.
In collaboration with the Gates Foundation and World Vision, we launched the Rotary Healthy Communities Challenge, a US$30 million program to strengthen health systems and fight childhood diseases in the Democratic Republic of Congo, Mozambique, Nigeria, and Zambia. This program builds on the success of the first Programs of Scale grant recipient, Partners for a Malaria-Free Zambia.
A new Rotary Peace Center opened at Bahçeşehir University in Istanbul, Türkiye, where peacebuilders from the Middle East and North Africa will learn skills and strategies for promoting peace in the region.
We established the Community Action for Fresh Water initiative with the United Nations Environment Programme to encourage Rotary and Rotaract clubs to protect, restore, and sustain their local freshwater ecosystems.
The World Health Organization’s South-East Asia Region, which includes India, celebrated its 10th anniversary of being polio-free. Polio remains endemic only in Afghanistan and Pakistan.